Tag Archives: passion

Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion- Oprah Winfrey

Leave it to Oprah to talk about how to live life in the real fast lane. Why drive when you can fly? She says that all you need to do is connect your power to your passion and off you go. Think about how Oprah has lived her life. She definitely got her power and her passion linked up, and it has provided her the energy and drive to become a billionaire. She is entirely self-made, which makes her a great role model for young women that want to earn a lot of money and are starting out with little.

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There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living – Nelson Mandela

You are capable of more than you give yourself credit for. Maybe you’re waiting for the right people to come along and help you get things accomplished. Stop waiting. You can do it on your own, you just have to stop playing yourself small.

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What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? – Robert H. Schuller

What will you do to be great? Think about the great that’s inside you and bring that to fruition. Do not let yourself sit and wait another day. Today is the first day of forever, and success is waiting for you to find it.

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Filed under inspirational quotes, lifestyle

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela

You are capable of more than you give yourself credit for. Maybe you’re waiting for the right people to come along and help you get things accomplished. Stop waiting. You can do it on your own, you just have to stop playing yourself small.

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My to-do list for Milan Fashion Week FW 22/23

Fashion week in Milan has officially kicked off, and I’m preparing my agenda properly in order to see – and what to wear for the shows, presentations and parties. Keep the eye on @hungryfaces on Instagram to follow me to the hottest events and not to miss a single look from my street style marathon!

Неделя моды в Милане стартовала, и я тщательно прописываю календарь всего, что мне нужно посетить – и готовлю список того, что надеть на показы, презентации и вечеринки. Следите за @hungryfaces в Instagram, чтобы ходить вместе со мной на самые интересные мероприятия в режиме реального времени, и чтобы не пропустить ни одного лука в моем марафоне стритстайла!

Wednesday, 23/02

10.00: Weekend Max Mara presentation unveiling the Signature project collection co-created with Patricia Urquiola

10.30: Max & Co presentation of the first collection with Efisio Rocco Marras

11.00: Baldinini presentation at Six Gallery

13.30: Sara Wang presentation at Acquario Civico

15.00: Luciano Padovan presentation in Palazzo Parigi hotel

17.00: Alberta Ferretti fashion show – my all-time favorite!

Thursday, 20.02

10.00: Kiton presentation

11.00: Gilberto Calzolari presentation in ADI Design Museum

22.00 Salvatore Vignola & Fantabody party at The Sanctuary

11.00: Bvlgari presentation at Grattacielo Pirelli

16.00: Vaishalis presentation

21.00: KNTR cocktail


Friday, 25.02

9.00: Tods fashion show

10.00: Maryling fashion show at ADI

11.00: Bvlgari presentation at Grattacielo Pirelli

21.00: KNTR cocktail

Saturday, 25.02

09.30: Prada Re-see at the Foundation

10.00: Giuseppe Zanotti presentation in Via Montenapoleone

11.00: Versace Re-see

13.00: Max Mara Re-see

14.00: Dolce & Gabbana fashion show at Metropol – my absolute must see!

15.00: Antonio Ortega presentation

17.00: Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini fashion show

Sunday, 27.02

12.00: Dolce & Gabbana Re-see 

12.00: Quira presentation

16.00: Cormio fashion show – a new talented brand to discover

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Filed under fashion, lifestyle, street style

Cupid On: My Fashion Story For l’Officiel Baltics

Victoria’s Secret bodice, Marsiko dress, Aquazzura Shoes, Tezenis collants, Rada ring, Aquazzura bracelet

Valentine’s Day may be over, but why not continue to devote all the cold month of February to developing your level of seduction? This is the topic of my freshly published fashion editorial for l’Officiel Baltics – discover the full story

Les Hommes Femmes jacket, Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, Rada earrings & ring, Anna Grazia Calonico ceramic ring, Gerlando necklace, Victoria’s Secret slip

День святого Валентина, может, и закончился, но почему бы не посвятить весь холодный февраль развитию своих навыков соблазна? Именно это стало темой моей свежей фешн-истории для l’Officiel Baltics — смотрите статью здесь.

La Perla lingerie, Maratana top, Marsiko jacket, Tezenis collants, Rada earrings, The Attico shoes, Saint Laurent hat

A jacket and lingerie – all times classics! – was one of my key ideas for this styling. I can’t stop admiring how iconic is the paring of a sensual lace bra and a masculine blazer or a leather jacket. And the details like statement ear clips, a hat and a pair of stockings rise the temperature.

Giuseppe Zanotti boots, Judy Zhang jacket, Victoria’s Secret lingerie, Rada necklace, earrings and bracelet – vintage

Жакет и белье – классика на все времена! – эта пара была одной из моих ключевых идей для съемки. Я не перестаю восхищаться тем, насколько культовым является сочетание чувственного кружевного бра и маскулинного блейзера или кожаного жакета. А такие детали, как крупные клипсы, шляпа и пара чулок, повышают градус.

Gretel Z skirt, Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, La Perla corset, Anna Grazia Calonico ceramic necklace, Rada silver necklace, Anna Grazia ceramic rings, Rada ring

Going in the direction of extreme femininity, opt for a skirt or a dress to complete the look with a signature piece of lingerie. I love the tandem of a bustier with a pale silk draped skirt and a chain necklace. So chic! Or think a little black dress – in this case, a 100% unzipping one.

La Perla lingerie, Les Hommes Femmes dress, Aquazzura shoes, Rada necklace, Rada bracelet

Стремясь к экстремальной женственности, выберите юбку или платье, чтобы дополнить бельевой образ. Мне нравится тандем бюстье с шелковой драпированной юбкой и колье-цепью. Это роскошное сочетание! Или же сделайте ставку на маленькое черное платье — в данном случае полностью расстегивающееся за десять секунд.

Isabel Marant coat, Vic Matiē shoes, La Perla lingerie, Rada golden necklaces

Leather and lingerie is a natch made in heaven. I’m in love with a patent leather version. Just look how cinematographic is this combination of a classic lace set with a lacquered trench – just like a scene from ‘Belle du Jour’. And a simple long blazer in leather gives a 1990s touch – as from ‘Basic Instinct’.

Versace necklace, Rada chocker, Versace shorts, Versace jacket, Victoria’s Secret bra

Кожа и нижнее белье — это пара, созданная на небесах. Я в восторге от лакированной кожи. Только посмотрите, как кинематографично выглядит это сочетание классического кружевного комплекта с лакированным тренчем — прямо как сцена из «Дневной красавицы». А простой длинный блейзер из кожи придает нотку 1990-х — как в «Основном инстинкте».

Victoria’s Secret body, Rada earrings & necklace

Photographer: Ivan Genasi (@ivangenasiphotography)

Stylist & Creative Director: Svetlana Shashkova (@hungryfaces, @dressasanitalian)

Model: Claudie Dimitru Fashion Models (@dclaudiamaria)

Hair: Fabio Cicerale (@fabio_cicerale)

Make-up: Daniela Galeazzi (@dani.galeazzi) from Etoile Management

Stylist’s Assistant: Madara Kozlova (@madarakozlova)


Filed under fashion, lifestyle

“The things that we love tell us what we are.” – Thomas Aquinas

If your only motivation is money, you will not succeed. If money is a part of that dream, that’s great. What you really have to pursue are those things that you truly love. You will lose any pursuit if it is one dimensional. Pursue what you love and success is guaranteed.


Filed under inspirational quotes

“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.” – Tony Dorsett

Think about a time when you had a project that excited you. Do you remember the motivation that made it easy to get out of the bed in the morning so you could work on it? Do you recall the passion and happiness you felt? To be successful, find more of that passion.

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Filed under inspirational quotes, lifestyle

My Interview with Giuseppe Zanotti: Creator of the Sexiest Shoes on Earth

Giuseppe, can you describe your designing process: from an idea to the creation of a shoe?

G. Z.: My favourite way is to start from a simple sketch. I would take an empty paper. It’s very important, a white piece of paper. Your ambition is to realize something on it — whatever. And you design a line, simple line (Giuseppe takes a pencil and draws a shape of a high heel shoe).

Beautiful, you’ve made it in five seconds!

G. Z.: It’s not a technical sketch, it’s just a line. And you know that after 2 hours you can always add something to it: metal, or flowers, or diamonds, or nothing. Or you can do a flat version of the same shoe. So this is the first exercise: to put your ideas onto a white paper. Then you need to write a story for your shoe, like for a movie, to insert it to the whole marketing strategy. And then the realization begins: you need to find materials, shape it, develop first prototypes, cut the leather, do the stitching and then correct it with scissors in hand made mode. And then, if your blood becomes worn by people, then it’s a good shoe. If not, it’s just garbage!

Do you have some hobby apart from your work, like sports, art, hunting?

G. Z.: I’m a bit allergic to sports. I even don’t care about football too much, unlike the majority of Italians. Sometimes I exercise though, about 2 times a week, but it’s always a torture for me, and my coach is my enemy who wants to kill me because I’m cancelling my appointments all the time! I do like art, and I visit lots of museums while travelling for work. I’m inspired by the past and history. I’m collecting contemporary and photography. I also like nature: at home, I have an organic biological garden with cucumbers, watermelons, salad, eggplants and olive trees to produce my own oil. I’m happy when I’m close to nature and animals.

Do you think that photography is real art? Who are your favourite photographers?

G. Z.: I think that photography is a unique medium to catch the atmosphere, the soul, the blood. A good photo should stay with me like a friend, I like having it at home to find inspiration in it all the time. But I don’t appreciate something too strong or too raw. For me, Helmut Newton was a great artist; I find lots of power of women and love in his work. I admire Richard Avedon for elegance as well. I also enjoy a lot the work of my friends who are famous Italian photographers, like Maurizio Galimberti and Carlo Benvenuto.

How do you choose photographers for your ad campaigns?

G. Z.: First of all, they need to capture what your product represents, to render the mood and the idea of the collection. Creating an ad campaign or a look book, it’s always about teamwork. You should have a good art director and stylist to transmit the concept behind the collection, and the photographer needs to have the right sensibility: if the collection is about 1920s, jazz & night, the photographer should be able to shoot in this mood, and also research this vibe in the archives to get into the right aesthetics.

Can you name some well-known people who inspire you and whom you would like to be compared with?

G. Z.: I don’t want to be compared to anyone, but in fashion, I respect a lot the work of Martin Margiela for his purity, Thierry Mugler with whom I worked, Azzedine Alaia who I was lucky to meet many years ago. But it’s not about the fame — I’m inspired by all the people who are strong and who have personality. I also admire the normal people who love what they do, people from the streets — like those who love to cook, or carve wood, or do some construction works for my house. In Italy the hands of people represent real value. We respect expertise and tradition. Simple values of real life: this is where I jump when I’m exhausted by the fashion system.

Which superpower you would like to have?

G. Z.: My superpower would be going to the past with time machine and see the world which was less contaminated than now: the sky was wider, the water purer. We need to educate the population to respect more this crazy planet, and use this lesson that life is giving us now in order to learn something. Using this superpower, I would travel to Rome, Lisbon, Beijing, but also all the small cities of Italy, which are all precious with their castles of XI century. Here in Italy we have 3 000 years of history behind us: the Romans, the Etruscans, we have them in our blood. And, of course, I would take my mobile phone with me and come back with lots of pictures!

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My living room! When I’m tired after work trips (Milan – New York – Miami –Milan – Rome, etc), I adore being back to my living room, to and my dog, the remote control and a glass of Nebbiolo or pinot noir wine.

Could you describe your brand in terms of values?

G. Z.: Giuseppe Zanotti has good and bad things about it, like all the other brands. The bad, for me, is having too many ideas: I would like to be more edited! The good thing is that we really think a lot about adapting the design to the needs of a woman, trying to give also the comfort when she’s wearing 10 cm of stilettos. We engineer our shoes to give the pleasure of wearing, good shape and stability. Also, my shoes do last!

I can prove it: I bought my first pair of your shoes about 5 years ago, and they still look like new. This is also very sustainable: shoes that last become a good investment.

G. Z.: Yes, I was always thinking that fashion shouldn’t be about throwing your money into a garbage bin. It’s interesting that nowadays I often see my shoes of 20 years ago in vintages stores. And I buy them, to have them in my archives, to learn from the crazy and ambitious ideas that I had in those times.

What is the best piece of advice one can receive in the fashion world?

G. Z.: Keep calm, relax. In fashion everything is fast and furious; everyone wants the things be done immediately. And also people often dream about working in the fashion sphere to get the taste of this privileged world with its atmosphere of luxury. And it’s a wrong approach. To work in fashion, you need to learn seriously: study materials, colours, stones. You need to be experienced. In fashion, you should work with passion and patience.

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Filed under fashion, interview, lifestyle, street style

My to-do list for Milan Fashion Week

Milan Fashion Week fall-winter 2020/2021 starts on Wednesday, February 19th, and I’m ready to hit the shows. My schedule is full of runways, cocktails and presentations from early morning to late night: follow my steps at @hungryfaces to discover the most interesting events in town!

P.S. Have I told you already that I am styling La Kore Milano fashion show this year? Stay tuned to see my biggest achievement as Stylist on Saturday 22th!

Миланская неделя моды сезона осень-зима 2020/2021 стартует в среду 19 февраля, и я готова к показам! В моем расписании запланированы презентации, шоу и коктейли с раннего утра и вплоть до поздней ночи: следите за обновлениями в Инстаграме @hungryfaces на этой неделе, чтобы быть в курсе самых интересных модных событий в городе!

P.S. Кстати, я уже говорила вам, что в этом сезоне я стала стилистом показа миланского бренда La Kore? Настраивайтесь на волну и смотрите мое главное шоу в Инста-сториз в субботу 22 февраля!

Hat / Шляпа, Roberto Lucchi,  Skirt/ Юбка Claudie, Poncho/ Пончо Ralph Lauren 

Wednesday, 19/02

9.30: Gilberto Calzolari’s show, my favourite new Italian designer presented by Cameramoda

11.00: Moon Boot presentation

13.00 Maryling show

16.00: Brunello Cuccinelli presentation 

20.00: Moncler fashion show

Thursday, 20.02

10.00: Santoni footwear presentation

11.00: Peter Lindbergh exhibition preview at Armani Silos

12.00 Romeo Gigli presentation 

13.30: Anteprima fashion show

17.00 Hogan presentation 


Friday, 21.02

10.30: Emporio Armani  fashion show

15.00 Prada re-see

16.00: Iceberg fashion show

Saturday, 22.02

12.00: Versace Re-see

13.00: Giuseppe Zanotti presentation

15.00: Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini fashion show

18.00: Annakiki fashion show

20.00: LA KORE Fashion  – styled by me!

21.00: Philipp Plein fashion show

La Kore ADV and Look Book FW 19/20 styled by me

Sunday, 23.02

16.00: Giorgio Armani fashion show

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Filed under fashion, street style