Tag Archives: life

As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it! No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it – Robert Collier

It is true that some opportunities might need to pass you by based on their particular circumstances. However, so many opportunities come our way each day that could be very useful to our lives. Take a look and see what opportunities are coming your way that you could take advantage of that would serve your life.

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Much of life isn’t fair. It’s how you live that matters. It’s how you deal with the bumps in the road – Maya Banks

There is many things in life that do not seem fair, however that is not really important. The most important things are how well you live, how deeply you love, and how much you laugh. Those are golden nuggets in a life of ups and downs, make sure you hold onto them.

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Capturing Life’s Essence with the Bar Stories at Camera Campari Photography Exhibition

As someone who cherishes the simple moments of life, I’ve always been drawn to the vibrant energy and camaraderie found within the walls of a bar. It’s a place where friendships are forged, stories are shared, and memories are made. So, when I heard about the Camera Campari photography exhibition in Milan, I knew I had to experience it for myself

Как человек, который ценит простые моменты жизни, меня всегда привлекала яркая энергия и дух товарищества, которые можно найти в стенах бара. Это место, где завязывается дружба, делятся историями и создаются воспоминания. Итак, когда я услышала о фотовыставке Camera Campari в Милане, я поняла, что должна посетить эту выставку лично.

The Camera Campari exhibition pays homage to the rich story of human experiences woven within the confines of a bar. Set against the backdrop of Galleria Campari in Milan, this captivating showcase of photography offers a glimpse into the soul of Italian bar culture. For centuries, bars have served as more than just places to enjoy a drink, they’ve been hubs of social interaction, artistic inspiration, and cultural exchange. From the bustling cafes of Paris to the iconic taverns of New York City, bars have played a central role in shaping our collective consciousness.

Выставка Camera Campari отдает дань уважения богатой истории человеческого опыта, сотканной в пределах бара. Эта увлекательная выставка фотографий, расположенная на фоне Galleria Campari в Милане, предлагает заглянуть в душу итальянской барной культуры. На протяжении веков бары служили не просто местом, где можно выпить, они были центрами социального взаимодействия, творческого вдохновения и культурного обмена. От шумных кафе Парижа до культовых таверн Нью-Йорка — бары сыграли центральную роль в формировании нашего коллективного сознания.

What makes the Camera Campari exhibition truly remarkable is its ability to capture the essence of life within these sacred spaces. Each photograph tells a story – of laughter shared over a glass of wine, of conversations whispered in the dimly lit corners, of moments of solitude amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd. In a world where digital connections often overshadow face-to-face interactions, the bar remains a sanctuary of human connection. It’s a place where strangers become friends, where ideas are exchanged, and where memories are etched into the fabric of our lives.

Что делает выставку Camera Campari по-настоящему примечательной, так это ее способность уловить суть жизни в этих священных пространствах. Каждая фотография рассказывает историю – о смехе за бокалом вина, о разговорах, шепотом в тускло освещенных углах, о моментах одиночества среди шума и суеты толпы. В мире, где цифровые связи часто затмевают личное общение, бар остается убежищем человеческих связей. Это место, где незнакомцы становятся друзьями, где обмениваются идеями и где воспоминания врезаются в ткань нашей жизни.

In many ways, the Camera Campari exhibition serves as a reflection of our modern lifestyle. As technology continues to permeate every aspect of our existence, we find ourselves seeking refuge in the timeless rituals of communal gathering. We are living a major dose of our lives in the bars – whether physically or virtually – seeking solace in the familiarity of shared experiences.

Во многом выставка Camera Campari служит отражением нашего современного образа жизни. Поскольку технологии продолжают проникать во все аспекты нашего существования, мы ищем убежища в вневременных ритуалах коллективных собраний. Большую часть своей жизни мы проводим в барах – физически или виртуально – ища утешения в знакомом общем опыте.

For those who wish to immerse themselves in the captivating world of bar culture, the Camera Campari exhibition is a must-see. Held at the Galleria Campari in Milan, visitors have until May 1, 2024, to explore the evocative photographs that celebrate the beauty and complexity of human connection.

Тем, кто желает погрузиться в увлекательный мир барной культуры, обязательно стоит сходить на выставку Camera Campari. До 1 мая 2024 года посетители смогут ознакомиться с запоминающимися фотографиями, прославляющими красоту и сложность человеческих связей, которая пройдет в галерее Кампари в Милане.

So, why not step into the world of Bar Stories and discover the magic that unfolds within the walls of your favorite watering hole? It’s an experience that promises to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life and the power of human connection.

Так почему бы не погрузиться в мир Bar Stories и не открыть для себя волшебство, которое разворачивается в стенах вашего любимого питейного заведения? Это опыт, который обещает дать вам новое понимание простых радостей жизни и силы человеческих связей.

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Filed under lifestyle, photography

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll

Be proactive. Have a plan in place about how you will respond to setbacks. If all you do is react, then you will make more missteps. Instead, have a proactive plan about how to react. Being purely reactive is the wrong approach.

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“If you’re not reaching back to help anyone then you’re not building a legacy.” – Germany Kent

If you are only focusing on yourself and your life then are not building any type of legacy. Becoming successful is tough but nobody does it without helping other people. A life is only worth the impact it has on other lives so strive to make the people around you better.

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“Let borders become sunlight so we traverse this Earth as one nation.” – Kamand Kojouri

We must all stop separating ourselves into categories of nationalities and political parties. These ideologies separate us and cause us to only communicate and socialize with the ones who hold our same beliefs. We have to broaden our scope and accept everyone even if they are different.

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“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”

Either you take charge of the day and do what you want to do or you listen to other people and do work to further them. Stop living your life based on the ideas of other people. Start to take charge of the day and use every minute to better yourself.


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“If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.” – Richard Nixon

To make beautiful music, you have to play all the chords. In relation to everyday life, to make the world a better place, you have to respect everyone, no matter what they look like. The color of our skin does not determine our fate on this earth. The color of our skin does not mean we are inferior or superior to another being.

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“Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.” – Aristotle

We are all on this planet to reach goals and strive for something that is difficult to obtain. We become lost when we don’t have anything to strive for. We get complacent and comfortable and the years go by and we have not done anything with our lives. Always stay focused on your goal and your purpose in life.

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“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller

Life is a constant stream of new lessons to be learned. These lessons can only be lived through to understand and learn. One cannot learn from a second hand source about some factors of life. We must learn through our own experience.

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