Tag Archives: next level

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash

The journey can bring you happiness. The first thing is breaking those chains that you’ve put on yourself. Get rid of those restrictions and start reaching for the next level. Before you know it, you’ll be making progress on things you’ve wanted as long as you can remember.

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Filed under inspirational quotes

sparkling chic in double denim

Hello my dear readers! How this month is treating you ? Hope you got a feeling that summer is just next door. Personally i was talking with friend and we realised that weather is like a girl very capricious and not stable)


Anyway for those stable last days of may there is fool proof solution to stand out of the crowd. Most women in world admit that her dressing is about pair of blue denim and something on the top.


Take it next level and pair it with all kind of chemisier and foulard  like french girls do… the trick is all about that sparkling denim sequins shorts and leopard pony booties they elevate all outfit beyond all measures.


Tell me what you think about and let me know what you would like see further … enjoy


Приветы мои дорогие читатели! Как этот месяц обращается с вами ? Надеюсь, что Вы получили чувство, что лето не за горами. Лично я говорила с подругой, и мы поняли, что погода походит на капризную и не стабильную девченку)


Так или иначе в течении этих стабильных последних дней мая есть верное решение чтобы выделяться из толпы. Большинство женщин в мире признает, что ее одежда о паре синих джинсов и чего-то сверху.


Вознесите это на следующий уровень и  создайте пару со всеми  типами chemisier, и foulard как это делают француженки… вся  уловка в этой сверкающей блестке деним шорт и пони сапожках с принтом леопарда, они повышают качество всего outfit вне всех мер.


Скажите,  что Вы думаете об этом и сообщите , чтобы бы Вы хотели увидеть далее… Наслаждайтесь 



military denim shirt Mango

sequin blue denim shorts Patrizia Pepe

custom made leopard pony booties

foulard hermes

sunnies Diesel

watch Marco Mavilla  

bracelet elieli Gioielli 


parco Valentino torino


Alessandro Altavilla 

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Filed under fashion, lifestyle, street style, travel

“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” ~Howard Ruff

Being prepared is one thing, but this quote is asking you to take it to the next level. Noah was tipped off that the flood was coming, but life doesn’t always work out that way. You almost have to assume that something bad is going to happen at some point in your future, so why wait until it occurs to try to deal with it then?


Prepare yourself for a disaster and if it doesn’t come even better. But if it does you’ll be able to handle it better and get through it more easily. It’s not a form of negative thinking to prepare for hardship, in fact it is a way of preserving your positive thinking even through rough times.


Filed under inspirational quotes, lifestyle