Tag Archives: constant

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller

Life is a constant stream of new lessons to be learned. These lessons can only be lived through to understand and learn. One cannot learn from a second hand source about some factors of life. We must learn through our own experience.

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“There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles.” – Stephen R.

Covey is an expert on leadership. He knows that the only things in life are these three categories. You have your principles that come from deep within you which you must discover for yourself. Then you have choices to make. Each choice can lead you down a particular path which gives you the opportunity to grow and change.

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“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama

If things aren’t going your way, you only have yourself to blame. You must be the one to enact the change that you need. Chances are, things are in constant motion all around you. Maybe you have become stagnant in your personal or professional life. You must be the one to take the first steps and welcome change.

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Cute, Funny, Hungry Squirrels Say Fall is Here

Fall seems to officially be here, based the feverish pace of squirrels preparing for winter.


When i went out and about to enjoy autumn, there was one constant other than the beautiful foliage changing colors, and that was the squirrels gathering acorns and other nuts.


Everywhere i went, the squirrels were acting squirrelly, running around with nuts in their mouths, performing ninja-like gymnastics in tree branches, or digging to hide their winter stash.


That brings me to the thought that we have many things in common with them.


 Well, well just remember only your wardrobe change  for a fall or nutrition program…


There are many species of squirrels and the antics of these furry cute critters are fun to watch! Enjoy  


Осень кажись, уже официально здесь, полагаясь на лихорадочный темп белок, готовящихся к приходу зимы.


Когда я вышла на прогулку наслаждаясь осенью, была одна константа кроме красивых цветов поменявшейся листвы – это белки, собирающие желуди и другие орехи.


Везде где я была, белки вели себя как чокнутые, бегая вокруг с орехами в их ртах, выполняя подобную ниндзя гимнастику в ветвях дерева, или роя норки, чтобы скрыть их зимний притон.


Это приводит меня к мысли, что у нас есть много общих черт с ними.


Хорошо, хорошо просто вспомните только свое изменение гардероба на осень или программу питания…


Есть много видов белок, и выходки этих пушистых милых существ – забавно смотреть! Наслаждайтесь


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